The Sanctuary of LUBOF recognizes that we are the creators of our reality. Responsible for any situation, difference, injustice, wrongdoing or tragedy that might occur in our lives, no one else, therefore, can be at fault for any circumstance we might encounter in the diversity of life’s path. We, then, possess the power and the capabilities to solve any problem or difficulty that might arise with any individual, group or situation. By accepting this responsibility, we enter into the endless stream of life from our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother; from here we can act with love, compassion and forgiveness. Through the practice of Ho’oponopono all of our challenges can be restored into a peaceful harmony.
Peace receives an important place in our Sanctuary. Representing the balance point between our inner world and its outer expression, peace offers us the foundational condition to further our co-creation. Without a peaceful heart and mind the inner world is clouded by personal emotions or thoughts blocking an open clarity in our relationships. Restoring peace in oneself and within our circle is for us the most important activity before any other project.
In the event that the misunderstanding or differences have difficulties in resolving, a Peace Circle may be called in. A Minister may serve as a Peace Facilitator to enable the parties to begin the process of reconciliation and finding a solution that brings harmony in all hearts.
Everyone who feels a discomfort may call in a Peace Circle.
The Peace Circle is considered as a healing tool recommended for those who are called in. Its process is held sacred for our journey.
The Peace Circle is formed by:
the person(s) who calls it in,
the person or persons involved in the situation;
a designated peace facilitator (member of the Sanctuary Circle)
each of them may ask another person to assist him or her in the peace restoration
The person(s) who calls in the Peace Circle may prepare a snack or drink to share at the end.
The Peace Circle uses a loving communication to arrive at a harmonious resolution for everyone involved.
A specific gesture may be formulated by the circle to heal the former discomfort.
If one session does not obtain a peaceful agreement, more sessions may be called in, until each heart is filled and nurtured with peace.
We start and finish with a prayer.
Peter Deunov gave this formula so magically appropriate:
“Divine Love brings abundance and plenitude in life!”