Our physical body is nourished and strengthen not only by the physical food we eat and drink. Foremost, it is nurtured, sustained, and strengthen by an Etheric Body, also known as our energy body. This energy body is very much in-tuned with the forces of nature, in particular the plant kingdom. We all experienced how we get invigorated during a walk through a forest, or just sitting at the ocean, looking at the night sky, or listening to the song of a rushing creek. Nature has a very comforting and rejuvenating effect on us; it’s not for nothing we call her ‘Mother Nature’.

As we open ourselves up to her, to her beauty, to her never-ending life force, to her presence all around us, we can embark on a journey of consciously communicating with her. Like any loving mother would do, she will embrace your being and offer support to you. Like any wise mother, she will be available when you are loving, kind, and cooperative with her. Her language, her methods, her actions are LOVE.


A very wise man, Peter Deunov, said:

“Be attuned to Nature and receive from her knowledge and energy. Nature is generous to those who love her and to those whom she loves. When man makes a proper loving connection with Nature, he will learn in one day as much as he would from a professor in twenty years.”


Co-creating with Nature our Space of Love represents one of the most enchanting adventures one can imagine … entering into the living world of nature is an exploration of what lies beyond each form. As we are more than our physical form, any of the plants, or animals and stones, are more than just a dog or a weed or dirt. Everything is alive and contains, like us, a sentient awareness. From the stones to the stars, everything is imbued with consciousness. When we open ourselves up to embark on a mindful relationship with them, a whole new world opens up for us in which we may discover new ways of relating to all and everyone. It’s almost as stepping into a fairytale … a world that seems like magic …

It’s not more magic than imbuing our consciousness into our body with our first breath taken in and transitioning out of it with our last breath. After which the body dissipates its form. Any form without a sentient awareness cannot continue to remain in form. Any form is an outside envelope for that consciousness. When consciousness retrieves, the form deflates, like a balloon loses its air … poofff …

The quality of how that consciousness can express itself is significantly influenced by its interaction with the surrounding. Being cared for or being abused leaves an imprint on consciousness, and thus on its quality. A happy cared-for dog will wag its tail scintillating its love all around, a beaten dog will hide fearfully in the corner, trying to survive. They both have the same potential of giving love back, but for the latter one, it’s very difficult to express it.

Integrating this understanding into our life, we recognize the importance of our environment and of the food we intake. A lot is being shared about the physical aspect of these; it does have its importance. But foremost, it is the consciousness that’s infused within these physical containers that, even though more subtle, are more important. By caring for the earth, caring for the plants and the animals, we allow them to enhance their quality and opportunity to share their essence. It is such loving co-creation we foster into our life.

The buildings, the plants, the stones, the animals, they will all ‘wag their tails’ in an abundant shower of their love upon us. And of course, we will answer with love. Hence, the co-creation of a Space of Love!

As we commune more intensively with the spirit living in each form (devic realm) we can receive their invigoration more intensively too. In doing so we can continually learn and grow in understanding and relationships with all and everything around us.

Integrating this relationship of our connectivity with the devic realms, our garden becomes a platform for expansion of our consciousness; it becomes a window into our soul.