The Sanctuary of LUBOF holds as its vision

the creation of a model for a new way of living where

Love is our guiding inspiration

"Lubof" means "love" in Bulgarian.


As a human being we are a member of a universal and cosmic family of whom everyone holds at its core a divine blueprint of beauty, harmony and prosperity for all and everyone.


We are a non-profit organization with a spiritual and educational purpose to discover, learn and further the endless possibilities of the most powerful force in the universe: LOVE.


The awakening of the divine consciousness through fostering qualities and virtues, such as love, wisdom, truth, beauty, goodness, purity, joy ... to prosper and flourish in all living creatures.

Love opens us to experience new dimensions in life. The first to discover is the world of our soul through which all other dimensions can be integrated until we feel part of the Universal Family.

Our Divine Essence is LOVE

To assist this expansion in consciousness we offer a methodology

a teaching to develop the skills required for integrating the dimension of our hearts and souls into living, loving and learning together. Living-in-Universal-Beauty-as-One-Family expands our earthly living into a multi-dimensional living experience: a UniversCity where we acknowledge being UNIVERSAL CITIZENS.

One important mission of the Sanctuary of LUBOF

is to promote and foster the establishment of each one’s

Space of Love

A home and garden we create ourselves, a safe place where one may live in peace and abundance, and co-create with all life forms and all kingdoms the universal beauty expressed through our Soul Essence.

"Build your home - it will provide a happy life;
Cultivate your garden - it will offer healthy food;
Follow your inner guidance - you will decipher and manifest your gift;
Believe in co-creation - a world of love will open up for you."

The term 'Space of Love' is greatly inspired by  the Teaching from Anastasia transmitted through the

‘Ringing Cedar Series’ by Vladimir Megré.

The most important aspect of this Teaching is our
innate birthright to co-create our Space of Love on earth.

The Sanctuary of LUBOF (Living in Universal Beauty as One Family)

was established in 2006 as an unincorporated Church Assembly.

The office of the Sanctuary of LUBOF was incorporated in the state of Hawaii

as a non-profit Corporation Sole.

‘LUBOF’ means ‘LOVE’ in Bulgarian.

The Sanctuary of LUBOF considers Love

as the greatest power in the universe.

We are all one!

The Sanctuary of LUBOF recognizes all forms of worship, devotion, adoration and communion with the Divine.

It honors the sacredness of each moment and the fullness of life.

The Sanctuary of LUBOF recognizes the miracle of each day and puts special attention upon the sunrise as a means of awakening and maintaining the Divine, and upon the sunset as a means of recognition and gratitude towards Life.

Living in Giving

The Sanctuary of LUBOF is dedicated to creating and maintaining the bridge as all humanity takes the path from obligation to offering.

One cannot profit in the miracle of life, nor sun, wind, rain, earth etc.; all of the life-giving forces have been freely offered for every living creature to share.


The Sanctuary of LUBOF fully acknowledges its allegiance to our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, our Eternal Parents of love, wisdom and truth, Creators of Heaven and Earth, all life and substance in the universe.

It fully acknowledges that every human being has been created in love, wisdom and truth by our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother. We are all sons and daughters of our Eternal Parents, and as such we are all eternal beings. In keeping with this divine birth-right, all of humanity is one family.


This unique heritage, shared by all of creation, is infused within each and every living creature throughout eternity. The Sanctuary of LUBOF past, present and future lineage is contained in these few words:

“We love our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, Creators of Heaven and Earth, source of all creation forever and ever.

We are love and love is everlasting.

We are wisdom and wisdom is infinite.

We are truth, and truth is eternal.”


The Sanctuary of LUBOF remains one with our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, one with all of creation and one with its divine origin, the Eternal Sacred Flame forever burning on the altar of its heart.


The Sanctuary of LUBOF is greatly inspired by all the spiritual teachings and traditional cultures of Love, Wisdom and Truth.

It recognizes the Eternal Initiator of all Ages known as Melkisedec in the Judaic-Christian tradition, Markande in the Vedic tradition and many other names in other religions and cultures: the Sanctuary of LUBOF is of that Sacred Order.

Three Principles

1) All living creatures are divine in origin

2) All of creation is sacred

3) All of creation is one

The foundation of our vision is based on

1) All living creatures, known or unknown, seen and unseen, are created by our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, and as such, are divine in origin.

2) All of creation is infused with the eternal love, wisdom and life of our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother and as such, is sacred, holy and shared by all life forms.

3) All of creation is one. It cannot be divided, taken away or possessed and as such, the diversity of all life forms resides in its undeniable unity.

Our Credo

As stated by the Spiritual Master, Hermes Trismegistus:
“Everything below is like that which is above and everything above is like that which is below to accomplish the miracle of Oneness!”

As stated by the Spiritual Master, Peter Deunov:

“When man listens, God speaks. When man obeys, God acts. When men change, nations change!”


As stated by the Spiritual Master, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov:

“If many people were to ask for peace and abundance for the entire world, the Golden Age on Earth would be realized!”

Our Purposes

~ To exist and act in full expression and promotion of the above stated principles: all is divine, all is sacred, all is one;

~ To help, support and foster the recognition of these principles in the lives of all beings;

~ To facilitate in each moment of existence the full and divine expression of our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, to continually turn to Them for guidance by means of prayer, meditation, contemplation and inner attunement, and to align our lives within their Sacred Alliance;

~ To assist in and support the awakening of the divine consciousness through promoting the qualities and virtues of our Eternal Parents, such as love, wisdom, truth, beauty, justice, goodness, purity, compassion, joy ... to prosper and flourish in all living creatures;

~ To create and maintain a sacred environment in which the awakening can unfold;

~ To foster beauty as a path towards perfection;

~ To communicate, by all the internal and external means existing or to come into existence, the divine, the sacredness and the oneness of creation;

~ To inspire and propagate, through all forms of arts, the desire to live in Beauty, Harmony and Peace, and create the Golden Age on Earth;

~ To offer and share programs that enable the clear understanding of the cycles of Soul life and its manifestation;

~ To offer and share programs that educate our different levels of consciousness, their different bodies and how they are nourished;

~ To offer and share programs that reintegrate and maintain the innate relationship with Soul and Spirit;

~ To foster, educate and promote the communication of unborn souls with their future parents and to enable the souls to be conceived and birthed in sacred alliance with our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother;

~ To foster, educate and promote the understanding of the transition of the soul as it passes from the physical body back to spirit, and of the possibility of ascension;

~ To foster, educate and promote all aspects of well-being, in all the different bodies that constitute living beings;

~ To live in harmony with all of creation and promote, foster and cultivate our sacred alliances with nature;

~ To promote, foster and cultivate community living in harmony with the plenitude and abundance that our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother have so graciously offered on this sacred planet in order that all may live in universal beauty as one family, for generations to come;

~ To assist and support the transition from an artificial value system to one of service and giving where love is the foundation, intention and motivation of all self-expression;

~ To support and assist the freedom and sovereignty of all human beings as they express fully their Soul Essence, and to respect the sovereignty of all Kingdoms in all dimensions of existence;

~ To live in gratitude and thankfulness for all which our ancestors have bestowed to us and, in turn, to create, embellish and offer a more beautiful world to live in and share for those who will come and live on this sacred planet.

Inner Alliance

~ To walk hand in hand with our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother and to allow a Divine Co-Creation to manifest through our thoughts, feelings and actions,

~ To serve and co-create with our Universal Family,

~ To serve and co-create with our Universal Family,

~ To learn and be attentive to the lessons of Nature and uphold its sacredness,

~ To integrate fully our divine essence into our human experience in order to become a conscious co-creator with the universe,

~ To love and allow to be loved,

~ To give 100% to the realization of the Golden Age on Earth,

~ To honor the Divinity in all creation,

~ To be joyful and innocent as a child,

~ To serve all of humanity and live as One Family, with no separation, boundary and borders,

~ To live, create and appreciate beauty,

~ To walk lightly on Mother Earth and breathe deeply the wisdom of all ages,

~ To respect and honor all ancestors,

~ To live in peace and harmony,

~ To hold holy each moment of existence.

Our Religion

Religion (from Latin: re-ligare, i.e., re – again + ligare – to bind or to connect) for us means to reconnect with the Oneness of creation.

We believe we are Star-Beings of Light and our divine essence is Love. As children of our Heavenly Father and Divine Mother we are all unique and sovereign (our Soul Essence), part of a Universal Family and united in the Consciousness of Love. We believe we are multi-dimensional beings and universal citizens. We believe we are the creator of our life’s experiences and we co-create together the ever-unfolding universal life. We believe we come to earth to offer our Soul Gifts in the co-creation of Paradise.

some concepts

From our Articles

Origin and Evolution of Lubof

Every manifestation has its origin from the unseen subtle regions into denser realities, bringing its essence, and awaiting the wave of evolution to carry this new impulse into infinite possibilities …

Our Inner Organization

Respecting the sacredness of the union between father/wisdom and mother/love, a new understanding of the concept of family arises where love will be the foundation. By integrating these notions into one’s life, one searches for the highest ideal and practices the purest love; life/child will mirror back the essence of our choices.

Living Agriculture in Spaces of Love

Living Agriculture is a holistic approach to living on the land. The fundamental premise is that human beings belong to, are a part of, the land. This is why the earth, in so many traditions, religions and cultures has been referred to as “Mother Earth”.


We keep a deep respect and veneration towards all Masters, Guides and Beings who are dedicated to awaken Love, Light and Truth in humanity.

We are greatly inspired by the Initiatic Science of the Universal White Brotherhood (‘Universal’ because all of Creation is included, ‘White’ because it represents the color of a pure soul, ‘Brotherhood’ because all creatures have one and the same Heavenly Father and Divine Mother) transmitted by the Masters Peter Deunov and Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

“There exists one Divine Community, one Divine Nation: the Great Universal White Brotherhood, which the world has never seen before. This Brotherhood has branches on earth, in heaven and in the whole universe. Each one who is serving God, is a citizen of this Great Universal White Brotherhood which we call the Brotherhood of Divine Love, of Divine Wisdom, of Divine Truth. All good, honest, just and intelligent people, man, woman or children, all these people who are supporting the great principles of Love, Wisdom and Truth, independent of which church or party they belong, serve this Great Brotherhood.
The new in the world has always been given by this Great Brotherhood. All the good in the world has been introduced by the Great Brothers and Sisters who have worked for the upliftment of nations.

The Universal White Brotherhood is not something invisible. It is neither church nor a cult. It is something alive and beyond these corrupted conditions in which people live. Every member of this Brotherhood is a Manifestation of God. They have achieved this through hard work. Only when one can connect with the Great Brothers and Sisters and follow their path, can one know the new philosophy of Life.
The Divine Teaching of the Great Brotherhood was not born now. It has existed since the beginning of the creation of the world. It has existed ever since the universe existed.

        ~   Peter Deunov   ~

“The time has passed when human beings were advised to live a solitary life in order to evolve and earn their salvation. We are now entering the era of brotherhood. Human beings must no longer erect barriers among themselves, but walk together side by side, to form a universal brotherhood on earth, in which all beings will form a vast family. When this is realized, frontiers will fall, and instead of wasting enormous sums of money protecting themselves from others, all nations will live in abundance and peace.
These are the ideas that inspire the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood. They explain why our ideal is to develop ourselves on all levels, so that we may become examples. Our ideal is for all of humanity to advance together, united by this love that God has envisioned for all human beings. Our ideal is to live harmoniously within the collective life, because it is here that all blessings are to be found.”

       ~  Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov ~

Note from the founders

In 2003, the Deva of Lubof called us to Kauai with the specific vision of creating a school within a community for Living in Universal Beauty as One Family. Read more …

Inspired by the power of this vision and embraced by the Aloha Spirit of Kauai, we embarked on a wondrous journey of co-creation with the seen and unseen. 

We consciously put love as the foundation for everything we do in our life. This approach defines the journey we are on, it explains the path we took and take, and allows the magic of this vision to be incarnated into our daily life and into the third dimension. Within this approach we are calling forth our next home base, Space of Love, on a land consecrated to this vision. Read more … ‘we envision’ and ‘we manifest’

Inspired by the magnificence of this path and enthused by its magic, we invite you on this journey of incarnating the divinity of all life on earth. We invite you to explore the divine principles with which universal beauty creates itself in life and in us. We invite you into a discovery journey of living, loving and learning together the Life of Universal Beauty as One Family.

              Richard and Greta

Richard ~  +1 808 639 5593

Greta ~  +1 808 639 5821